Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Self-managed Marxists 01: Nildo Viana

Nildo Viana (Goiânia, 1965) is a Brazilian sociologist and philosopher.


Viana is part of the current sociological and philosophical Brazilian Marxist and Self-managed orientation. Karl Korsch and Karl Marx are his main influences. Among his writings, there is a Marxist analysis of society, where the emphasis is on the "category of totality" and the class struggle as the key tools in the process of social transformation.

After completing a doctorate in sociology at the University of Brasilia, he became a professor at the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil (Portuguese: Universidade Federal de Goiás).


He is the author of several books in Portuguese and spanish:

(Pt) Escritos Metodológicos Marx, Goiânia, Germinal Editions, 2001) (In English: methodological writings of Marx)
(Pt) Estado, Democracia e Cidadania, Rio de Janeiro, Achiamé, 2003) (In English: State, democracy and citizenship)
(Pt) e Heróis Super Heróis back quadrinhos no Mundo, Rio de Janeiro, Achiamé, 2005 (In English: Heroes and superheroes in the comic book world)
(Pt) A Dinâmica da Violência Juvenil ', Rio de Janeiro, Booklink, 2004 (In English: The dynamics of youth violence)
(Pt) Introdução to Sociologia, Belo Horizonte, Autentica, 2006 (In English: Introduction to Sociology)
(Pt) A Consciência da História, Goiânia, Combate Editions, 1997 (In English: Consciousness of History)
(Pt) A Filosofia e Sua Sombra, Goiânia, Germinal Editions, 2000 (In English: Philosophy and its shadow)
(Pt) Violência Urbana: A Cidade Como Espaço Gerador of Violência, Goiânia, Germinal Editions, 2002 (In English: Urban Violence: The city as a creative space of violence)
(Pt) Unconscious Coletivo Materialism e Histórico, Goiânia, Germinal Editions, 2002 (In English: Collective Unconscious and historical materialism)
(Pt) O Que São Partidos Políticos Goiânia, Germinal Editions, 2003 (In English: Are political parties healthy?)
(Es) Psicoanálisis to historical materialism, Madrid, Cultivalibros, 2013 (In English: Psychoanalysis and historical materialism).
(Pt) Autogestionário Manifesto, Rio de Janeiro, Achiamé Editions, 2008 (In English: self-managed Manifesto)
(Pt) O na Capitalismo Era da Acumulação Integral, São Paulo, Ideias e Letras, 2011 (In English: The Capitalism in the era of Integral accumulation)

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